Bionova Coco Brick Coconut block
Compressed cake to be humidified to obtain sterile and ready-to-use coconut fibre. Coconut fiber is completely neutral and has a very stable pH with values between 5.8 and 6.3. By hydrating each brick and leaving it to soak for several hours, 10 liters of ready-to-use fiber are obtained.
Compressed coconut brick block to be used after adding 3.5 - 4 liters of water. Furthermore, its volume increases approximately ten times.
As a result of its initial size, it is quite easy to transport. Compared to the normal peat substrate (loam), the coconut substrate has a large number of advantages.
- has the low CE value <0.8 mS/cm,
- has the ideal pH value of 5.8,
- stimulates perfect root development,
- the coconut substrate is not compact which makes it easy to drain,
- it is a light product: 85 kg / m 3 (peat substrate weighs 125 kg / m 3 ),
- Coconut has good and fast water absorption,
- coconut substrate can be reused,
- the use of coir often leads to a higher yield than other substrates.
Fill a bucket or tank with 3.5 - 4 liters of water.
Mix the mixture thoroughly after approximately 30 minutes and you will have approximately 10 liters of substrate ready for use.